Monday, March 24, 2014

Inquiry Learning

Inquiry Learning....

We have been taking notice of the rubbish that is being left behind after lunches.  Mr King come in with the big rubbish bag and showed us the rubbish bag in particular all the glad wrap.  
We have decided for our Inquiry technology unit we are going to make sandwich wraps that can be used to wrap sandwiches in rather than using glad wrap.
Here is a photo of Mr King and Mrs Sander with all the rubbish....

We have been busy making our sandwich wraps and here is a photo of some of the children with their wraps.  We enjoyed making our sandwich wraps.  We got to decorate them with love hearts, hands, smiley faces, dolphins and fish.  We are going to use these to wrap our sandwiches in.  By doing this it will also help to keep them fresh!

Im Lucia.  This is my sandwich wrap.  This is going to help keep my sandwiches       fresh.
Hi I'm Aless.  This is my wrapper.  I use it everyday to wrap my sandwiches in.  It has love hearts on it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Welcome to Room 2,

This is the class of 2014....

We have settled in well and are enjoying being in Room 2. 
Keep checking this blog to see what we have been up to!